If you have some hours to kill before your flight, or want to do a morning tour that gives great birds before another activity, this is it.
Discover the birds that the charming suburb of Ventanilla, located north of the airport, has to offer. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of the fenced-in wetland, where a variety of exquisite wetland birds can be spotted including the elusive Least Bittern, Andean Duck, Wren-like Rushbird, Yellow-headed Blackbird, and the vibrant Many-coloured Rush-Tyrant. During migration season, the beautiful Hudsonian Godwit and thousands of shorebirds and Franklin’s Gulls make a special appearance. Experience the serene meadow-like habitat, closer to the coast, and explore the newly opened trail that leads to the picturesque ponds. Here, Peruvian Meadowlark and Grassland Yellow-Finch can be easily observed, while Chilean Flamingo, Black Skimmers and Great Grebe are often seen. In the northern Marshes, a rare and possibly soon-to-be-split subspecies of Black Rail can sometimes be lured in. At the beach, witness a stunning array of sea- and shorebirds such as the magnificent Inca Tern, Peruvian Booby, and a variety of gulls. Venture into the deserted grassland where Peruvian Thick-knees, American Kestrels and Burrowing Owls are easily spotted. Numerous species of wintering swallows, including Bank, Barn, Cliff, and Chestnut-collared Swallows can be found with ease.
Welcome to Wild Andes! We offer unforgettable birdwatching and photography experiences for nature enthusiasts. Explore our popular destinations, upcoming tours, and travel alongside expert guides. Let us show you the incredible flora and fauna of Peru!
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