- +51 946 859 289
- [email protected]
- Av San Martin 617, Lima, Peru
Less than one hour away from the heavily populated city of Lima lies one of the best places to see marine birds in the Peruvian Central Coast. The colorful and highly charismatic fishing town of Pucusana, located around 60km south of Lima is a mandatory stop for any birdwatcher or keen naturalist interested in the marine ecosystem of the Humboldt Current.
Due to its easy access and secure location, Pucusana has become the primary spot to see birds like the unique Inca Tern, the charismatic Humboldt Penguin, the endemic Surf Cinclodes, which is commonly seen searching for invertebrated within the algae along the intertital zone, and with some luck, a glimpse of the endangered Marine Otter.
The best way to bird this area is to go by boat to the Island directly behind the fishing town. This Island is home to a decently sized colony of South-American Sea-Lions, which can be seen resting on rocky outcrops of the Island, as well as searching for fish scraps in the harbour itself.
Our boat tour along the Island takes about one hour, and we normally get great views of Guanay Cormorants, Peruvian Boobies -with the occational Blue-footed Boobie mixed in the group-, hundreds of Inca Terns, and the colorful Red-legged Cormorant.
We work in alliance with the local fishermen of Pucusana, provinding them with an extra income, and more importantly helping in engraining the notion that by protecting the natural resources they are creating an asset, and they will directly benefit from the tourism economy.
Our Coastal Lima Birding Tour combines this unique experience with a visit to the Pantanos de Villa, a set of Coastal Marshes within the City of Lima. This quick and easy one-day trip can easily produce beyond 60 species, and its recommended to birdwatchers and naturalists of all ages, due to its easy accesibility and good conditions.
Welcome to Wild Andes! We offer unforgettable birdwatching and photography experiences for nature enthusiasts. Explore our popular destinations, upcoming tours, and travel alongside expert guides. Let us show you the incredible flora and fauna of Peru!
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